SA Election 2022 - Wrap up

While the result on Saturday evening was unexpected and disappointing, we can be incredibly proud of the contribution that the Electoral Development Officer program made towards the Marshall Liberal Government campaign.

Over the past week, our EDO program supported local candidates across Adelaide and South Australia. From Elder to King to Stuart, a dozen EDO participants spent their time doorknocking, letterboxing, phone canvassing, signwaving and prepolling.

All up injecting an additional 600 hours into on the ground campaigning that otherwise would not have occurred. We would like to give a special shout out to the Hon. Terry Stephens MLC and Scott Kennedy who took time out of their already busy campaign schedules to shuffle us over the state to ensure that we could achieve this amount of campaigning.

We thank all of the EDO participants and Young Liberal members from around the country who supported the South Australian Liberals during the campaign. The program was hugely successful and provided the participants from Queensland and the ACT with a fantastic opportunity to improve their campaign skills and meet YLs from around the country.

We want to pay particular tribute to the South Australian Young Liberal President Aric Pierce, who along with his Executive, has worked tirelessly throughout the campaign to fight for the re-election of the Marshall Liberal Government.

Finally we thank the outgoing Premier, Steven Marshall, for his service to South Australia over the past four years and service to our party as South Australian Liberal leader for the last 9 years. His Government has protected South Australians through the most extraordinary times, guiding his state through natural disasters and COVID-19.

We have a lot to learn from this election, however, as we approach the Federal Election it is imperative that we continue to fight for our Movement and fight to secure Australia’s future.

Elizabeth Wheeler is the Federal Campaigns Director, and Helen Craze Federal Campaigns Officer of the Young Liberal Movement of Australia 


Victorian Election 2022 - Wrap up


SA Election 2022 - Home Stretch